All the BSc UG programs of AP S G M College 10 high level of result it and academic achievementwith reaching program outcome the student empower theme solve fromdepartmentlearning To two independent learning by the end of third year degreeprograms
PO1:- B.Sc. PROGRAMMES - TheBScprogrammer enable the student to enhance their critical thinking duringthe three-year period of study and The curriculum stimulus the mental thoughtanddescription of the student this help the student to take up practical workand compare the result with their education there by leading to theory andvalidityof the practical knowledge this analysis leads to tag discussion it in Delhi intellectual organization and personal from different praising beauty oflife
PO2:- B.Sc. PROGRAMMES Theentire UG program have English and Hindi compulsory language subject the motivebehind is to improve the language skill like listening speaking reading andwriting of all students in the class
PO3:- B.Sc. PROGRAMMES Carriedout the carry out the with the help of oral software this help the student todevelop better communication skill in English the second language in generallythe mother tongue Hindi and CG this subject promoted culture customs moral andliterary value in the student.
B.Sc.IZOOLOGY (Paper 1st)
CourseTitle:- cell biology and non-chordates
CO1:- Recall thestructure and explain the function of plasmamembrane mitochondria and lysosome
CO2:- Relate thestructure and function of ribosomes andendoplasmic reticulum
CO3:-Describethe stage ofcell division and distribution between mitosis and meiosis
CO4:-Reproducetheultrastructure of centrosome and recognize it is roll the differentapplication
CO5:- Detailunderstandof Cancer cell
CO6:- Antigenantibodyinteraction in human body
CO7:- Generalcharacterin classification of non-chordate animal
B.Sc.IZOOLOGY (Paper 2nd)
CourseTitle:-Chordates and embryology
CO1:-Listcharacters ofprotochordates construct a table with the characters of
CO2:- Availablefish to helpin its identification.
CO3:- Belongto the class andwe're define the given snack in poisonous or nonpoisonous byanalyzing itsaudit
CO4:-Criticallyanalyses thecharacter of of archaeopteryx with reptile and Bird
CO5:-Comparethe Contractcontract product metathesis and euphoria
CO6:-Explainthefertilization and structure of gametes
CO7:-Developingof chickembryo up to formation of three germ layer.
B.Sc.IIZOOLOGY (Paper 1st)
Coursetitle:-Anatomy and physiology
CO1:-Comparativeanatomy of various organ system of vertebrates
CO2:-Aprocess of digestion and their control effect of straw revolution
CO3:-Precipitationof circulation and respiration responses to exchangecondition
CO4:-Precipitationof osmoregulation kidney function in diversity extraRenault osmoregulationorgan pattern of Nitrogen S creation
CO5:-Description of musclesphysiology striated andsmooth muscles adaptation of muscles
CO6:-Developing a concept ofembryonic system itsfunction and Physiology
CO7:-Description ofinternalTransport and gas exchange.
B.Sc.IIZOOLOGY (Paper 2nd)
Coursetitle:-Vertebratesendocrinology and reproductive Biology behavior evolutionand Applied zoology
CO1:-Descriptionof evolution of thyroid gland thyroid hormone synthesis andits regulationhormonal
CO2:-Knowledgeof regulation of reproductive cycle in female menstruationcycle in human
CO3:-Descriptionof organic evolution and different theories of evolution
CO4:-Descriptionof all sides menstruation its regulation of follicular
CO5:-Describeconservation Strategies for different animalsspecies learning and conditioningnavigation and reasoning
CO6:-Developingand understanding of Apiculture sericulture aquaculture andindustry poultrykeeping
CO7:-Evolutionother individual and social behavior
B.Sc. III ZOOLOGY(Paper 1st)
Coursetitle:- Ecology environmental biology toxicology microbiology and medicalZoology
CO1:-Illustratesthe components of ecosystem and relates in the impact of mainon the ecologicalbalance
CO2:-Analyzethe concept of community in population
CO3:-Skillsto define and explain the concept of environment management
CO4:-Parasitismof parasites host vector life cycle of trypanosome trachoma’s,plasmodium
CO5:-Understandanimal community and ecological adaptation in mammals
CO6:-Foodchain and Food Web in ecosystem
CO7:-Understandthe fundamentals of agriculture forest medical in entomology.
B.Sc.IIIZOOLOGY (Paper 2nd)
Coursetitle:- Genetic cell physiology biochemistry biotechnology and bio techniques
Course outcome
CO1:-Understandthe molecular biology and Molecular physiology
CO2:-Understandthe cell division in types of mutation
CO3:-Understandthe term pH buffer
CO4:-Understandthe concept enzyme and also vitamin and Minerals
CO5:-Understandthe various application of Biochemistry
CO6:-Studythe understand the DNA Recombinant Technology
CO7:-Understandthe scope significance of Biochemistry.