
Program Outcomes

1. Disciplinary Knowledge-
a. ability to identify about different literary genres , periods and movements.
b. ability to read texts closely paying attention to themes , historical contexts , linguistic and stylistic variations.

c. ability to understand the world through literature at local , national and international level.

2. CommunicationSkills

a. ability to enhance the four language skills- speaking , writing, listening and reading.
b. ability to speak and writein standard academic English.

3. Critical Thinking

a. ability to analyze andcritically appreciate the texts.
b. ability to understand eachage and the writers associated with it

4. Problem Solving

a. ability to understand othertext with the domain knowledge skills.
b. ability to understand thesocial , cultural and economic aspect of othertexts.

5. Analytical Reasoning

a. ability to examine andevaluate merits and demerits in a text.
b. ability to use criticaltheories to explain one’s argument.

6. Research – Related Skills

a. ability to enhance creative skills by reading the texts.

7. Cooperation and Teamwork

a. ability to actively participate in class discussion.
b. ability to complete assignment in stipulated time period.

8. Scientific Reasoning

a. ability to think logically and rationally.
b. ability to connect literature to other disciplines.

9. Reflective Thinking

a. ability to understand the role of literature in everyday life
b. ability to transfer theirlearning to other situation.

10. Self – DirectedLearning

a. ability to chooseappropriate learning strategies and evaluate learning outcomes.
b. ability to carry outindividual research and frame out their interpretation and solutions.

11. Information and Digital Literacy

a. ability to use digitaldevices and internet
b. ability to use digitalresources for in-depth knowledge.

12. MulticulturalCompetence

a. ability to know about thevarious genres locally and globally.
b. ability to acquaint withdifferent cultures and tradition

13. Moral and Ethical Awareness/ Reasoning

a. ability to acknowledgeethical values and to do the right thing.
b. ability to form ideology todefine correct behavior.

14. Leadership Readiness

a. ability to execute a planand take initiatives in analyzing literarytexts.
b. ability to challenge andinspire people to look above and beyond their comfort zones.

15. Life- long Learning

a. ability to transform thelearning concepts into practice.
b .ability to understanddifferent genres of literature and authors .

 Programme Outcome –The principle aim of B.A English Literature program should be-

PO 1.CriticalThinking

a. Students should be familiar with different genres of literature andshould be able to identify, analyze, interpret and describe the critical ideas,values and themes that appear in the literary text.

PO 2. Effective Communication

a. Students should develop good communication skill to understand theartistry and utility of the English language through the study of literatureand other contemporary forms of culture.

PO 3. Social Interaction

a. Create opportunities to practice effective social skills bothindividually and in groups. Graduates of literature learn to do researchrelated to social skills and studies how skills are learned by an individualthrough changes in attitude, thinking and behavior.

PO 4. Ethical Standard

a. Students should be able to use the historical and literary contextsand foster relevant ideas and values in the society.

PO 5. Leadership readiness

a. Enhancement of leadership qualities, be a team player, voice outopinions and accept differences.

PO 6. Life long Experience

a. By the end ofthis course, students learn to lead a life that is valuable to others and isable to appreciate one’s own worth by going through various challenges.

 Programme Specific OutcomesProgramme- B A (English Literature)

On completion of BA programme,students will attain:-
PSO1. Developing reading, writing , speaking and listening skills.
PSO 2. Creating an interest in literature.
PSO 3. Understanding various trends in literature.
PSO 4.Motivation for creative writing.

PSO 5.Developing the critical attitude about literary studies.
PSO 6. Socially responsible.
PSO 7. Developing broad outlook and openness to differentperspectives.
PSO 8.Graduates should develop a high regard for ethics and theenvironment
PSO 9.Through advocacy andinnovation students are able to lead change for a sustainable future.
PSO 10. Recognize various avenues open to graduates in variousfields.

 Course Outcome
B.A English Literature as one subject.
Bachelor of Arts in English literature provides a clear understandingabout the art and study of English literature. This course helps an individualto develop thinking skills and makes them more sensitive.

 B A – Part I
Paper –I – Literature in English – 1550 – 1750(Paper Code -0105)
CO 1: To introduce students to different ages , movement andliterary terms.
CO 2: To make students aware of different kinds of poetry and prosewritings.
CO 3: To introduce sonnet ofShakespeare, Milton, John Donne, Alexander Pope and essays of Bacon, Addisonand Steele.
CO 4: To display a workingknowledge of the novel as a literary genre. - Jonathan Swift –The Battle ofBooks
CO 5: To give introduction tobeginning of Drama and discuss the distinctive features of Shakespearean drama– The Merchant of Venice.

Paper –II – Literature in English – 1750 – 1900(Paper Code -0106)

CO 1: To acquaint studentswith the distinctive features of Transitional Age and the poets and poetry –Blake, Wordsworth and Coleridge
CO 2: To introduce Romantic poetry and the poets – Shelley andKeats
CO 3: To make students awareof the characteristic features of Victorian poetry and poets – Tennyson andBrowning

CO 4: To discuss the prose writers ofVictorian Age and essays of the writers – Charles lamb and Hazlitt
CO 5: To identify and describe novelsand novelists of romantic and Victorian age – Jane Austen and Charles Dickens

 B A – Part II
Paper – I–Modern English Literature (Paper Code -0175)
CO 1: To introduce the characteristic features of Modern poetry andpoets – W. B .Yeats and T.
S. Eliot
CO 2: To discuss distinctive featuresof Modern Prose and essays of the writers-Bertrand Russell and Oscar Wilde
CO 3: To discuss the features of modern drama and the play - G.BShaw - Pygmalion
CO 4: To display a working knowledge ofthe novel as a literary genre and discuss the novel of Rudyard Kipling – Kim
CO 5: To analyze short story as aliterary genre with reference to the story of Katherine Mansfield – A Cup ofTea

Paper –II –Modern English Literature (Paper Code-0176)

CO 1: To introduce the characteristicfeatures of Modern poetry and War poets – Sasson, Owen Hughes and Auden
CO 2: To discuss distinctive features of Modern Prose and essays ofthe writers-Lynd and Belloc
CO 3: To discuss the features of moderndrama and the play - John Galsworthy - Strife and J. M. Synge – Riders to theSea
CO 4: To display a working knowledge ofthe novel as a literary genre and discuss the novel of William Golding – Lordof the flies
CO 5: To identify the literary terms with reference to thedifferent genres of literature.

 B A – III
Paper I –Indian Writing in English (Paper Code – 0235)
CO 1: To introduce the social, cultural and economic background to Indian Writing in English and  discuss about Indian Renaissance.
CO 2: To discuss distinctive features of In do - Angli an poetry and the poets – Toru Dutt, Tagore, Kamala Das,Daruwala, and Shiv. k. Kumar.
CO3: To discuss the features of prose writing in Indo - AnglianLiterature- Nirad. C. Chaudhuri
–My Birth Place and Dr. S.Radhakrishnan – The Call of the Suffering
CO 4: To explore the growth of IndianDrama with reference to Girish Karnad’s –Hayavadana. CO 5: To trace the development of Indian Novels and analyze R. K.Narayan’s – The Guide. Paper II –American Literature (Paper Code – 0236)
CO 1: To introduce the social, culturaland economic background to American Literature and discuss about American Renaissance.
CO 2: To discuss distinctive featuresof American poetry and the poets – Walt Whitman, Sandberg, Dickinson and Cummings.
CO 3: To discuss the featuresof prose writing in American Literature- William Faulkner – Nobel AwardAcceptance Speech, Carlos –In the American Grain and Whitman’s – Preface toLeaves of Grass.
CO 4: To explore the growth ofAmerican Drama with reference to Miller’s – All my Sons and O’Neil’s – TheHairy Ape.
CO 5: To trace the developmentof American Fiction  and analyzeHemingway’s – A Farewell  to Arms andFaulkner – The Sound and the Fury.

 PostGraduate Course - M.A - English Literature Post Graduate Programme Outcome

1. Disciplinary Knowledge-
a. Masters in English literature builds a condition inwhich learning is exchanged, critically evaluated and used in contemporarysituations with the aptitude to review, examine, and integrate and utilizeactual learning in the appropriate field.

b. It helps to strengthen ones abilities for widening current knowledge and undertaking future studies and performing well in a chosen career.

2. Communication Skills

a. Suitable opportunity given to students to sharpen oral communication and written assessment skills through classroom discussion and formal presentations.
b. ability to enhance the four language skills- speaking , writing,listening and reading.

3. Critical Thinking

a. The postgraduates are able to apply analytical thought and critically evaluate ideas, arguments, claims, and utilize actual learningin the appropriate field.
b. ability to understand a range of theoretical and literary – historical  frame works for understanding literature.

4. Problem Solving

a. ability to understand other text with the domain knowledge skills.
b. ability to develop argumentative skills to defendinterpretations and research practices by using textual material and literary theory.

5. Analytical Reasoning

a. ability to evaluate anddemonstrate an appreciation for canonical and non- canonical works.
b. ability to use criticaltheories to explain one’s argument.

6. Research – Related Skills

a. ability to conduct researchthat leads to substantial original thesis.
b. ability to publish papers and participate inconferences , seminars and take membership in learned societies.

7. Cooperation andTeamwork

a. ability to activelyparticipate in class discussion.
b. ability to prepare a road map for executing the teamtask , setting directions and formulating an inspiring vision.

8. Scientific Reasoning

a. ability to think logicallyand develop conceptual and inquiry skills .
b. ability to connectliterature to other disciplines.

9. Reflective Thinking

a. ability to understand therole of literature in everyday life
b. ability to interpret and evaluate ones experience andknowledge of past experience and respond to the present situation with new experience.

10. Self – DirectedLearning

a. ability to chooseappropriate learning strategies and evaluate learning outcomes.
b. ability to tackle nofamiliar problems with self – directed learning.

11. Information and Digital Literacy

a. ability to use digitaldevices and internet
b. ability to acquaint with new innovative practices inlearning like online classes , online degree and certificate courses by usingdigital resources .

12. MulticulturalCompetence

a. ability to know about thevarious genres locally and globally.
b .ability toappreciate the philosophical and social contexts of literary texts withknowledge of other cultures and cultural diversity.

13. Moral and Ethical Awareness/ Reasoning

a. ability to acknowledge moral values and appreciate theaesthetic sense in a text. This will help the students to develop healthy thoughts.
b. ability to form ideologies to attain unbiased and truthful actions inall aspects of life.

14. Leadership Readiness

a. ability to execute a plan and and work effectively andrespectfully with diverse team and tofacilitate coordinated effort for a common cause.
b. ability to work with relative autonomy and authority and to havecreative innovative ideas.

15. Life- long Learning

a. ability to transform thelearning concepts into practice.
b .ability to understanddifferent genres of literature and authors .

 Programme Outcome
The principal aim of M.A English Literature programme should be-

PO 1.Critical Thinking

a. Post Graduate Students should be familiar with different genres ofliterature and should be able to draw inferences in the literary text, expresstheir own ideas about life and relationships , values and beliefs .

PO 2. Effective Communication

a. Students should develop good communication skill to express the ideascontained in the literature more effectively, since literature is the writtendocument of people and culture of the society.

PO 3 .Research – Related Skills

a. The PG Programme expose the students to new horizons of literature ,engage them in high – level study of literature and cultivate their abilitiesin advanced interpretation, innovation and writing.

PO 4.Ethical Standard

a. Identify virtues and vices in literary texts and apply these skills tosee excesses and deficiencies that will allow students to think through anddetermine a mean for themselves.

PO 5. Self- Directed Learning

a. Post Graduate Students with subject specific skill are competent enoughto choose what to learn, how to learn and apply the acquired knowledge andskills in practice.

PO 6. Information and Digital Literacy

a. Digital literacy pushes the students to new levels of creativity.Students should know the difference between trustworthy and untrustworthysources.

PO 7. Leadership readiness

a. Students should have the attitudes, skills and knowledge to understandand participate in a globally connected world.

PO 8. Life long Experience

a. By the end of this course, PG students should be one who is civicallyengaged, critically thinking, digitally literate, globally aware and aneffective communicator.

 Programme Specific Outcome
By the end of the MA in English Literature Programme, the students willattain:
PSO 1. An advanced level of the reading, writing, speaking andlistening skills.
PSO 2. Critically analyze the worksfrom different contexts – social, political, economic, global and nationalliterature.
PSO 3. Using diverse research tools andtechniques to create knowledge and aware about literature.
PSO 4.Using a more complex set of structures and a more advancedrange of vocabulary.
PSO 5. Cognitive skills to demonstrate mastery of the learnedgenres and its application.
PSO 6.Learn about various feministtheories, modern theories, colonial and postcolonial theories and dendemonstrate high- level proficiency in literary research and in the synthesisof research.
PSO 7. Developing broad outlook and openness to differentperspectives.
PSO 8. Students will develop a high regard for ethics and theenvironment
PSO 9.Through advocacy and innovationstudents are able to lead change for a sustainable future.
PSO 10. Recognize various careerprospects and employability available for Post graduates in various fields.

 Course Outcome
M.A English Literature –TheMasters in English Literature course includes a comprehensive study of bothancient and modern English Literature comprising of poetry, prose, drama andfiction.

 SemesterI Paper I- Poetry I

CO 1: To introduce studentsto different ages , movement and literary terms.
CO 2: To understand the social – political background to Chaucer’sage and poetry.
CO 3: To analyze Jacobean age and bringout the distinctive features of Metaphysical poetry and poets.
CO 4: To display a working knowledge ofthe Puritan age and introduce puritan poet Milton and his poetry.

CO 5: To recognize the features of Neo- Classical age and discussthe poetry of Alexander pope.

Paper –II – Drama - I

CO1: To acquire deep understanding ofdramatic conventions from Chaucer’s age to Shakespearean age.
CO 2: To make students aware of University Wits and different kindsof drama.
CO 3: To introduce characteristic features of Marlowe and Johnson’sdrama.
CO 4: To understand Shakespeare and hisage – the cultural and historic context in which plays were written.
CO 5: To discuss the distinctivefeatures of Shakespearean drama – tragedy, comedy and dramatic romances.

Paper –III – Prose - I

CO 1: To introduce students to prose writers from Chaucer’s age toAge of Pope.
CO 2: To discuss the essays with emphasis on the prose style.
CO 3: To introduce the beginning of periodical essays and essayistsof the age.
CO 4: To trace the rise of English novel as a sequel to periodicalessays.
CO 5: To display a working knowledge of the French essays and theessayist Montaigne.

Paper –IV – Fiction - I

CO 1: To introduce students to the development of novel from Age ofPope to Modern age.
CO 2: To discuss novels with respect to the movements and literaryterms.
CO 3: To understand the structural aspect of the novels.
CO 4: To display a working knowledge of the art of characterizationand narratology in novels.
CO 5: To analyze the moral and ethical values in novels.

Paper –V – The History of English Literature

CO 1: To introduce students to different ages , movement andliterary terms.
CO 2: To trace the development of poetry from the age of Chaucer toModern age.
CO 3: To discuss about the women novelists of romantic andVictorian age.

CO 4: To trace the rise of periodical essays and novels and discussits features.
CO 5: To bring out the distinctive features of each age fromChaucer’s age to the Modern age.

 Semester-  II Paper –I –Poetry II

CO 1 : To introduce students toCharacteristic features of transitional age and poets and their poetry.
CO 2 : To develop an interest in the Romantic poetry and theRomantic movement..
CO 3 : To educate students about environmental consciousness.
CO 4 : To familiarize students with the historical and socialmilieu of the Victorian.
CO 5 : To display a working knowledge of Victorian age and poetryof the age.

Paper –II – Drama -II

CO 1 : To educate students about themajor dramatic and theatre movements from Jacobean  age to modern age.
CO 2 : To introduce features of Comedyof Manners .make students aware of different kinds of poetry and prosewritings.
CO 3: To familiarize students to One Act Play.
CO 4: To display a working knowledge of the Theatre of Absurd.
CO 5: To acquaint students to moderndrama and discuss about Problem Play and Drama of Ideas.

Paper –III –Prose - II

CO 1: To familiarize students to the important essayist of RomanticAge.
CO 2: To make students understand andappreciate the prose style of essayist from Romantic age to Modern Age.
CO 3: To introduce features of the modern essays.
CO 4: To discuss essays of Lynd and Gardiner.
CO 5: To discuss essays of Priestly and Huxley.


Paper –IV – Fiction - II

CO 1: To introduce students to thenovelists of twentieth century - James Joyce and Virginia Woolf and the Streamof consciousness technique in the modern novels.
CO 2: To introduce E .M. Forsters novel- A Passage to India and discuss about the impact of colonial rule in India.
CO 3: To display a working knowledge ofthe novel by D. H.Lawrence- Sons and Lovers and discuss about the Oedipuscomplex.
CO 4: To give introduction to Symbolismin modern novels and discuss the novel of William Golding and Graham Greene.
CO 5: Introduce students to Frenchnovel and novelist - Gustave Flaubert and Russian novel  and novelistDostovesky

Paper –V – Modernist Poetry

CO 1: To introduce students to different ages and movements of theModern Age.
CO 2: To make students aware of the characteristic features ofHopkins and W.B.Yeats poetry.
CO 3: To introduce poetry ofT.S.Eliot’s – The Waste Land and discuss the mythical technique used in it.
CO 4: To discuss the poetry of Auden and Dylan Thomas.
CO 5: To give introduction to thepoetry of Khalil Gibran and Omar Khayyam and analyze its distinctive features.

 Semester III
Paper –I –Critical Theory –I- From Aristotle to Walter Pater
CO 1: To define criticism and discuss the different phases ofCritiicism.
CO 2: To introduce students to Greek Criticism and discussAristotle’s essay Poetics.
CO 3: To make students aware of Greco –Roman Criticism and Elizabethan Criticism through essays of Longinus andSidney.

CO 4: To introduce Romantic criticismand the essays of romantic critic – Wordsworth and Coleridge.
CO 5: To introduce the Victoriancriticism and discuss the essays of Victorian critic – Arnold and Walter Pater.

Paper –I I – Indian Writing in English

CO 1: To introduce the Indo- Anglian Poets and their poetry – ToruDutt and Tagore.
CO 2: To discuss about feminine sensibility and indianess in thepoetry of Ezekiel.
CO 3: To make students aware of the difference betweenautobiography and biography.
CO 4: To discuss the work of M.K.Gandhiand the autobiographical elements in it and the biographical elements in Nehruessay.
CO 5: To introduce the pioneers in thefield Indian novels and discuss the novels of Mulk Raj Anand and R. K. Narayan.

Paper –III – American Literature - I

CO 1: To introduce American Literatureand American Renaissance to the students. CO2: To discuss the poem of Walt Whitman and Poe and analyze its poetictechnique. CO 3: To make studentsaware of the poetry of Dickinson and Wallace Stevens.
CO 4: To acquaint the students with thenature poetry of Robert Frost and the poems of Sylvia Plath.
CO 5: to give an introduction toAmerican essays and analyze the essays of Emerson and Thoreau
Paper –I V – Colonial and Post Colonial Studies - I CO1: To define colonialism and Post Colonialism.
CO 2: To introduce students to the Post Colonial theory of LeelaGandhi and Homi Bhabha.
CO 3: To make students aware of thenovels of Raja Rao and Arun Joshi and discuss the colonial aspect of the novel.
CO 4: To introduce Diasporic writingand the works of diasporic writers – V.S.Naipaul and Jhumpa Lahiri.

CO 5: To discuss about the IndianFeminist writers and analyze the novel of Arundhati Roy. Evaluate the novel ofAmitav Ghosh.

Paper – V – Linguistics - I

CO 1: To define Language and characteristics of language.
CO 2: To discuss about linguistics, its types, scope, levels andbranches.
CO 3: To acquaint students and to sociolinguistics andpsycholinguistics and its theories.
CO 4: To define Morphology and discuss different types ofMorphology.
CO 5: To introduce IC analysis and its limitations and PS Rules andis limitations.

 Semester - IV
Paper –I –Critical Theory – l I
CO 1: To introduce modern critics andcriticism and to discuss the essay of I.A.Richards and T.S.Eliot.
CO 2: To introduce Indian Dramaturgy to students analyze Bharata’sNatyasastra.
CO 3: To make students aware of the importance of Saussure’s Natureof Linguistic Sign.
CO 4: To acquaint students with theFeminist critics and Showalters criticism- Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness.
CO 5: To discuss the importance ofpsychological aspect in critical theories and evaluate Freud’s essay CreativeWriters and Daydreaming

Paper –I I– Indian Writing in English -I I

CO 1: To introduce the poetry of Ramanujan and Mahapatra.
CO 2: To analyze the autobiographical essays of N.C.Choudhary andAbdul Kalam.
CO 3: To make students aware about the psychological novels anddiscuss Anita Desai’s novel.
CO 4: To introduce Indian Drama andanalyze the drama written by Girish Karnad and Mahesh Dattani.
CO 5: To discuss about the Indian Feminist writers and analyze thenovel of Shashi Despande.

Paper –III –American Literature –II

CO 1: To introduce American drama anddiscuss O’ Neil, Arthur Miller and Tennessee William’s drama.
CO 2: To discuss the terms associatedwith the American drama – Expressionism, Symbolism, and Magic Realism etc.
CO 3: To make students aware of the novels of Faulkner andHemingway.
CO 4: To introduce Puritan age and the novel of Hawthorne.
CO 5: To discuss about Picaresque novel and the novel by MarkTwain.
Paper –I V – Colonial and Post Colonial Studies - I ICO 1: To define colonialism and Post Colonialism.
CO 2: To introduce students to the Post Colonial theory of Ashcroftand Ania Loomba.
CO 3: To define Orientalism and elaborate the ideas discussed inEdward Said’s Orientalism . .
CO 4: To introduce Black writers and the features of their work.
CO 5: To discuss about the Black Feminist writers and analyze theirnovels.
Paper – V – Linguistics -I I (Phonetics andStylistics) CO 1: To define Phonetics and types of Phonetics.
CO 2: To discuss about the various organs of speech.
CO 3: To classify in detail Consonants and Vowel sounds.
CO 4: To define Phoneme and distinctive features of English sounds.

CO 5: To introduce superasegmental features and discuss theessentials of Stylistics.