

ProgrammeOutcomes,Programme Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomes


The aim ofthe undergraduate and postgraduate degree in Botany is to make students knowledgeable about the various basic concepts in wide ranging contextswhich involve use of knowledge and skills of Plant Science. B.Sc. and M.ScBotany is three and Two year undergraduate and Postgraduate programme coverswide range of basic and applied Botany courses as well as a course of interdisciplinary nature. The course is designed to build a strong Botanicalknowledge base in the student, and further more, acquaints the students with theapplied aspects of this fascinating discipline as well. The student is thusequipped to apply the skill learnt in the programme to solving practicalsocietal problem.


         The course introduces students to the importance ofplants as an integral part of existence on the planet. It is imperative tointernalise fully the fact that human existence depends on plants and hence, thenecessity to conserve nature is the need of the hour. A few activities areconducted at the end of the each semester which are relevant to the topicscovered. Algal collections, mushroom cultivation, visits to tissue culture labs,plant collection trips, maintenance of plant diversity on campus are few of the activities.These activities enable the students to study the subject outside the classroomenvironment.

{A} Programme outcomes:

Upon completion of B. Sc. and M.Sc. Botany programme student will be able to:

(Po for undergraduate)

1.    Knowledgeand understanding about plant diversity.

2.    Practicalskills in the field andlaboratory experiments.

3.    Presentationskills (oral &writing) in life sciences.

4.    4 Scientificknowledge in lifescience and fundamental metabolism of plants.

5.    Knowledgeabout biodiversityexploration, estimation and conservation.

 (Po for postgraduates)

1.    This programis a Research orientedlearning

2.    It enhancesskills in handlingscientific instruments, planningand      executing biological research.

3.    It alsoPromotes creative and novelideas in biological concepts.

4.    It providesEntrepreneurship skill development


{B} Programme Specific Outcomes:


PSO 1. A student completing the course is able to understand different banches of Botanysuch assystematics, evolution, ecology, developmental biology,physiology,biochemistry, plant interactions with microbes and insects,morphology,anatomy, reproduction, genetics and molecular biology of variouslife-forms.

 PSO 2. Theybecomes competent enough in various analytical and technical skills related toplant sciences.

PSO 3. Thestudent completing the course is able to identify various life forms of plants,design and execute experiments related to basic studies on evolution,ecology,developmental biology, physiology, biochemistry, plant interactionswith microbes and insects, morphology, anatomy, reproduction,genetics,microbiology, molecular biology, recombinant DNA technology,proteomics and transgenic technology. Students are also familiarized with theuse of bioinformatics tools and databases and in the application of statisticsto biological data.

 PSO 4. Thestudent completing the course is capable to perform short research projectsusing various tools and techniques in plant sciences and develop scientifictemperament and research attitude.

PSO-5. Knowstructure-activity relationship.

PSO-6. Understandgood laboratory practices and safety.

PSO-7. Developresearch orientedskills.

PSO-8.make aware andhandle thesophisticated instruments/equipments

PSO-9. Use modernZoological tools,Models, Charts and Equipments.

PSO-10. Knowstructure-activityrelationship.

PSO-11. Understandgood laboratorypractices and safety.

PSO-12. Developresearch orientedskills.

PSO13-.Make awareand handle thesophisticated instruments/equipments

{B} Programme SpecificOutcomes:


PSO 1: Acquire knowledge on fundamentals ofMicrobiology& basictechniques.

PSO 2: Understand details of diversity andmorphology of microbialworld.

PSO 3: Grasp the fundamental concepts ofbiochemistry.

PSO-4 . Gaintheknowledge of Chemistry through theory and practicas.

PSO-5. Toexplainnomenclature, stereochemistry, structures, reactivity, and mechanism ofthechemical reactions.

PSO-6.Identifychemical formulae and solve numerical problems.

PSO-7 Tocreateawareness about cultivation, conservation and sustainable utilizationofbiodiversity.

PSO-8. To knowadvancetechniques in plant sciences like tissue culture, Phytoremediation,plantdisease management, formulation of new herbal drugs etc.

 PSO-9 Studentsable to start nursery, mushroomcultivation, biofertilizer production, fruitpreservation and horticulturalpractices.

{B} Programme SpecificOutcomes:


PSO-1:  Understand good laboratory practicesandsafety.

 PSO-2: Introduce advanced techniques andideasrequired in developing area of Chemistry.

PSO-3:Enhance students ability to developmathematical models .

PSO-4. Studentsacquirefundamental Botanical knowledge through theory and practical‟s.

 PSO-5. Toexplain basis plant of life,reproduction and their survival in nature.Department of Botany

PSO-6. Helpedtounderstand role of living and fossil plants in our life.

PSO-7. Understandgoodlaboratory practices and safety.

PSO-8.Identifychemical formulae and solve numerical problems.

PSO-9. Usemodernchemical tools, Models, Chem-draw, Charts and Equipments.

PSO-10.Knowstructure-activity relationship.

{B} Programme SpecificOutcomes:

    PSO forpostgraduate

1 . The students will be qualified toface IFS,CSIR-NET, SET, GATE, ICMR.NET, ICAR.NET etc.,


2 . They become focused to take upResearch andTeaching opportunities


3      . They become Handson expertise inlife sciences.

4      It promotes careerand jobopportunities in both Govt. and private sectors.


{C} CourseOutcomes:


CORE COURSE I – PLANTDIVERSITY– I (Algae, fungi, Lichens, Plant Protection and Bryophytes) OutcomeLearn aboutthe structure, pigmentation, food reserves and methods ofreproduction ofAlgae  Learn about thestructure, pigmentation, food reserves and methodsof reproduction of FungiKnow about the Economic importance of algae, Fungi andlichen Studied someplant diseases with special reference to the causativeagents, symptoms,etiology and control measures.

 CORE COURSE II– PLANT DIVERSITY – II(PTERIDOPHYTES, GYMNOSPERMS & PALEOBOTANY) OutcomeLearn about the generalcharacters and classification by K.R. Sporne, stelarevolution inPteridophytes, heterospory and origin of seed habit. Know about thestructure,life history and Economic importance of Gymnosperms. Studied themethods offossilization and fossil plants.

CORE COURSE III–PRACTICAL – I Objectives Microscopic observation and identification ofalgae,fungi, bryophytes, lichens, pteridophytes and gymnosperm Observation ofcropplants infected by the pathogens included in the syllabus and studyofsymptoms, causative agents and etiology. Training students topreparemicropreparation and showing the stages of mitosis (Onion root tips)andshowing permanent slides/photographs of mitosis and meiosis .Micropreparationof stems, roots and leaf of dicot[TridoxI]andmonocot[Chloris&Canna]

 CORE COURSE IV– CYTOLOGY, ANATOMY AND MICROTECHNIQUES Outcome Learn the structure, chemistryand functions of cellularorganelles Meristems Gain knowledge on fixation,dehydration, embedding, handsectioning, microtome sectioning .

 CORE COURSE V– EMBRYOLOGY OF ANGIOSPERMS ANDPLANT TISSUE CULTURE Outcome Learn about doublefertilization and theirsignificance Know about the Structure and development ofdicot and monocotembryos. Understand the basic knowledge about tissue culturetools, medium,sterilization and techniques of tissue culture. Learn about theproduction ofSynthetic seeds & significance Study about the role of tissueculture in cropimprovement.

CORE COURSE VI–BIOCHEMISTRY, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION Outcome Learntheproperties, Enzyme catalysis and activation energy– Mechanism of enzymeactionStudy the structure and properties of Macromolecules Gain skill onworkingprinciples of pH meter, colorimeter and centrifuge Learn the techniqueofElectrophoresis & Chromatography..

COURSE VII –PRACTICAL– II 1. To dissect out and mount Dicot embryo (Tridax) 2. To learn thePlanttissue culture techniques, preparation of culture medium. 3. To know abouttheproduction synthetic seeds 4. Measurement of pH of a solution. 5. Estimationofstarch in plant tissues. (Colorimetric method) 6. Qualitative testforcarbohydrates/protein/lipids

CORE COURSE VIII–TAXONOMY OF ANGIOSPERMS AND ECONOMIC BOTANY Outcome 1. Learn the typesofclassifications- artificial, Natural and phylogenetic. 2. Gain knowledgeaboutBotanical Survey of India (BSI). 3. Briefly studied on herbariumtechniques. 4.Learn the taxonomic evidences from molecular, numerical andchemicals. 5. Briefstudied the economic products with special reference to theBotanical name,family, morphology of useful part and the uses

CORE COURSE IX–GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING Outcome Learn about Mendelian principles Knowaboutgene mapping methods & Extra chromosomal inheritance FamiliarizeaboutEvolution & Emergence of evolutionary thoughts Gain knowledge onPlantbreeding techniques

 CORE COURSE X– PLANT ECOLOGY ANDBIOSTATISTICS Course outcome Learn the Approaches to thestudy of Ecology(Autecology, Synecology and Genecology) Understand thepopulation &Community Ecology - concept of metapopulation Know about thePrinciples of Toxicologyand types of Toxins, sources, metabolism and Biologicalmonitoring Studiedvarious statistical methods of analysis

 CORE COURSE XI– PRACTICAL – III (Covering theCore courses VIII, IX & X) 1. Dissect outthe floral parts of plants comingunder the families prescribed in the theorysyllabus. 2. Field study to afloristic rich area is must for a period of threedays only under supervisionto observe and collect the plants in their naturalhabitats, 3. Submit minimumof twenty herbarium Plants with a proper field notebook with correctidentification for external valuation 4. Identify the economicproducts relatedto theory syllabus and write Botanical name, family and uses.5. Observe thegenetic variations among inter and intra specific plants. 6.Demonstration ofemasculation experiment 7. Arrive primary data from the givensample(leaves/pods) and give diagrammatic representation (Histogram), Calculatemean,median and mode and standard deviation. 8. Ecological field study-QuadratsandLine transect methods of vegetation study.

CORE COURSE XII –PLANTPHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS Course outcome Know about the requirement ofmineralnutrition for plant growth Understand the process ofPhotosynthesis,Respiration and Nitrogen metabolism Learn about Sensoryphotobiology Know aboutthe Plant Growth hormones (Auxins, Gibberellins.Cytokinins, Ethylene)Understand the biosynthesis of terpenes, phenols and nitrogenouscompoundsUnderstand the concepts in biophysics

1. CORE COURSE XIII–MICROBIOLOGY Learning outcome: Learn about classification,characteristics,ultra structure of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic microbes Knowabout organisms andcausal factor responsible for plant diseases & methodsof studying plantdiseases Familiarize with some common plant diseases of IndiaGain knowledge onHost parasite interaction process

 CORE COURSEXIV – BIOTECHNOLOGY Course outcomeLearn the micro and megasporogenesis Knowabout the morphogenesis andorganogenesis in plants.. Learn the specific andnon-specific methods of genetransfer Recombinant DNA technology Applications ofBiotechnology in Plant,Animal and Human welfare Biotechnology and IPR,Biosaftey, Biopiracy,Bioterrorism and Bioethics.


1. DeterminationofOsmotic Pressure – Plasmolytic method.

2. Measurement ofWaterPotential – Chardakov's method [Falling drop method]

3. Measurement ofWaterPotential – Gravimetric method

4. DeterminationofSuction Pressure – Weighing method.

 5. Rate ofPhotosynthesis – HydrillaExperiment of Willmont's Bubbler using differentcolour filters.

6. RateofPhotosynthesis using different concentrations of sodium-bicarbonate(Bubblemethod).

 7. Extractionand separation of PhotosyntheticPigments by Chromatography techniques (any onemethod).

 8.Determination of chlorophyll pigments bypaper chromatography method

9. PreparationofNutrient Agar, Agar plates, Slants, Potato Dextrose Agar medium – PDA

10. MotilityofBacteria – Hanging Drop Technique 11. Preparation of biogas from cow dung.

 ELECTIVECOURSE III (A) – BIOFERTILIZERS &BIOPESTICIDES Outcome Learn thecharacteristics, identification, culturalmethods and maintenance ofAzospirillum, Azotobacter, Azolla and Anabaena. Knowabout Mycorrhiza – VAMassociation, types, occurrence, collection, isolationand inoculum production.Studied the method of large scale production ofbiofertilizer & Organicfarming Get knowledge on Biopesticides -characteristics, physiology, mechanismof action and application.


Tilak Sonwane

Department of Botany

 A.P.S.G.M.N.S. Govt. P.G. College kawardha (C.G.)