CO 1. Demonstrate the layers of architectures in computer systems from digital logic to networks.
CO 2. Explanation of CPU components that how they are composed in terms of Digital Logic.
CO 3. Design, analysis and implementation of assembly languages including function calls basic control structures.
CO 4. Demonstrate functional knowledge of operating system and networks.
CO 1. To understand common features and requirements of Windows.
CO 2. To be able to manage hardware and software in Windows.
CO 3. To implement different options in spreadsheet for creating and editing worksheets.
CO 4. To implement advance features of excel for creating and editing worksheets.
CO 1. Understand the relations between sets regarding membership, equality, subset, and proper subset.
CO 2. Analyzing the concept of a permutation.
CO 3. Understand the concept of derivatives, continuity.
CO 4. Evaluate first order differential equations including separable, homogeneous, exact, and linear.
CO 5. Analyze mathematical models using higher order differential equations.
CO 6. Explaining applications of differential equations.
CO 1. To identify, understand and apply different number systems and their codes.
CO 2. To understand the binary logic and Boolean algebra.
CO 3. To understand the digital representation of data in a computer system.
CO 4. To understand the general concepts in digital logic design, including logic elements and their use in combinational logic circuit design.
CO 1. To develop basic understanding of literature.
CO 2. To improve grammar to make communication skill error free.
CO 3. To enhance the business communication writing skills.
CO 4. To develop the communication skills related to different situations in real life.
CO 5. To develop an understanding of RTI and its procedure.
CO 6. To develop the competency of students to apprehend the style of writing through questions based on literature, paragraph writing and letter writing
CO 1. Develop their programming skills.
CO 2. Be familiar with programming environment with C Program structure.
CO 3. Declaration of variables and constants and Understand operators, expressions and preprocessors.
CO 4. Understand arrays, its declaration and uses.
CO 5. Understand the format of functions and their application in solving complex problems.
CO 1. To understand the concept and components of sequential Logic.
CO 2. To understand the structure, function and characteristics of various sequential circuits.
CO 3. To identify the elements of modern instruction sets and their impact on processor design.
CO 4. To explain the function of each element of a memory hierarchy.
CO 5. To identify and compare different methods for Computer I/O.
CO 1. Understand the tabular technique for simplifying logical expressions.
CO 2. Recognize the various forms and equivalences of mathematical induction.
CO 3. Determine whether a given set and binary operation form a group by checking group axioms.
CO 4. To illustrate different filling algorithm of basic objects and their comparative analysis.
CO 5. Understand common matrix operations such as addition, scalar multiplication, multiplication, and transposition.
CO 6. Recognize and use equivalent forms to identify matrices and solve linear systems.
CO 1. To understand and apply common features of DTP and PageMaker.
CO 2. To be able to create and edit publications in PageMaker.
CO 3. To implement different options in word processing for creating and editing documents.
CO 4. To implement different options in PowerPoint for creating and editing presentation. |
CO 1. Gather data to analyze and specify the requirements of a system.
CO 2. Design system components and environments.
CO 3. Build general and detailed models that assist programmers in implementing a system.
CO 4. Design a database for storing data, a user interface for data input and output, and controls to protect the system and its data.
CO 1. To develop basic understanding of literature.
CO 2. To improve grammar to make communication skill error free.
CO 3. To enhance the business communication writing skills.
CO 4. To develop the communication skills related to different situations in real life.
CO 5. To develop an understanding of RTI and its procedure.
CO 6. To develop the competency of students to apprehend the style of writing through questions based on literature, paragraph writing and letter writing.
CO 1. Understand the basic concepts of object-oriented programming language and their representation.
CO 2. Implement the dynamic memory allocation functions, access specifier and the behavior of inheritance and its implementation.
CO 3. Understand the use of constructors and destructors.
CO 4. Understand and implement polymorphism, interface design and overloading of operators.
CO 5. Apply the I/O operations to handle backup system using file and to develop general purpose templates.
CO 1. To implement and analyze algorithms and algorithm correctness.
CO 2. To be able to describe stack, queue and linked list data structures.
CO 3. To implement linear and non-linear data structures.
CO 4. Ability to have knowledge of tree and graph concepts.
CO 1. To understand the functional units of a processor such as the register file and arithmetic, logical unit with the basics of System.
CO 2. To identify different types of Computer Organization and various addressing modes.
CO 3. To analyze the CPU design including the RISC/CISC architectures.
CO 4. To implement the basic knowledge of I/O devices and interfacing of I/O devices with computer.
CO 5. To understand the Direct Memory Access Transfer and CPU-IOP communication.
CO 6. To Explain and Summarize Asynchronous Serial Transfer.
CO 1. Apply the concept of the software process models according to user requirement.
CO 2. Understand the fundamental concept of requirements techniques and Analysis Modeling.
CO 3. Understand the different design techniques (Cohesion and Coupling) and their implementation.
CO 4. Design various software reliability measures to access the quality of software in case of various faults and failure.
CO 5. Develop various testing methodologies and maintenance model.
CO 1. Explain the basic concepts and the applications of database systems.
CO 2. To have broad understanding of the three level architecture of DBMS.
CO 3. Identify the basic concepts and various data model used in database design.
CO 4. Design ER-models to represent simple database application scenarios.
CO 5. Explain the basic concepts of relational data model.
CO 1. Understand the concept of Computer Arithmetic, Errors in number representation; understand the concept of Iterative methods.
CO 2. Understand the concept of simultaneous linear equations and ordinary differential equation.
CO 3. Understand the concept of Interpolation and Approximation and the concept of Taylor series method.
CO 4. Demonstrate functional knowledge of operating system and networks.
CO 5. To know the concept of Numerical Differential and Integration.
CO 1. Understand the importance of Internet, web apps, features and elements in E Commerce to boost up the traditional venture across the globe.
CO 2. Will have rich knowledge of types of E-commerce exist in market i.e. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B.
CO 3. Able to analysis the difference between Governance and E governance.
CO 4. Understand the way to explore various sectors i.e. Tourism, Share market, E – Banking, and etc.
CO 5. Will capable to know the emerging E- Commerce scenario in India.
CO 1. Apply relational database theory.
CO 2. To be able to describe relational algebra expression, tuple and domain relation expression for queries
CO 3. Recognize and identify the use of normalization and functional dependency.
CO 4. To formulate SQL queries on data using basic DDL, DML and DCL commands.
CO 5. Work with views, group and aggregate functions.
CO 6. Perform PL/SQL programming for simple applications.
CO 1. Outline the basic concepts of information and web architecture.
CO 2. Understand, analyze and apply the role of languages like HTML in the workings of the web and web applications.
CO 3. Understand the skills that will enable to design and build high level web enabled applications.
CO 4. Understand, analyze and create web pages using HTML, DHTML and Cascading Styles sheets.
CO 1. Understand the basics of operating systems like kernel, shell, types and views of operating systems.
CO 2. Describe Process management and various CPU scheduling algorithms.
CO 3. To understand the concept of Deadlock and its management.
CO 4. Explain various memory management techniques and concept of thrashing.
CO 5. Implementation of demand paging using virtual memory and various page replacement algorithms.
CO 6. Recognize file system interface, protection and security mechanisms.
CO 1. Understand the basic concept of networking, types, networking topologies and layered architecture.
CO 2. Understand the basics of data link layer and MAC sub-layer.
CO 3. Understand the network Layer functioning.
CO 4. Identify the different types of network devices and their functions within a network.
CO 1. Compare different programming Languages.
CO 2. Understand Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment.
CO 3. Perform different operations on Variables and store results.
CO 4. Learn the concept of data-driven program execution flow control in Visual Basic programming and Understand loops to do repetition.
CO 5. Understand additional Visual Basic controls.
CO 6. Create Functions by using call by value and call by Reference.
CO 1. To identify a range of concepts, techniques and tools for creating and editing the interactive multimedia applications.
CO 2. To understand the characteristics of different media; representation of different multimedia data & its formats.
CO 3. To analyze the characteristics of Human’s visual system & Human’s audio system; be able to take into considerations in multimedia techniques, design and implementation.
CO 4. To identify different compression standards learning different compression techniques.
CO 5. To be able to design and develop multimedia systems according to the requirements of multimedia applications
CO 1. Understand the working reference and TCP Model along with Web Apps.
CO 2. Analyze the verities of IP address to identify devices on internet.
CO 3. Acquire knowledge about the web protocols.
CO 4. Understand the importance and working of Virtual Private Network.
CO 1. Understand the basic concepts of object oriented programming language and their representation.
CO 2. Implement the dynamic memory allocation functions, access specifier and the behavior of inheritance and its implementation.
CO 3. Understand the use of constructors and destructors.
CO 4. Understand and implement polymorphism, interface design and overloading of operators.
CO 5. Apply the I/O operations to handle backup system using file and to develop general purpose templates.
CO 6. Handle raised exception while implementing various object oriented concepts.